This drawing came as my one take-away memory of being forced to see Dreamgirls on Broadway, the musical based on the life of the 1960's girl group, The Supremes.
I was a teenager, waaaaay too cool and rebellious for a Broadway show about the glitzy Supremes, mostly because Diana and gal pals on the cover of Love Child were more my kind of earthy, soul-sister connect.
The actresses on stage dazzled in shiny red and pink gowns and furs. I was bored to tears.
And yet, as the show unfolded my angst, my teen, hippie, utopian-oriented soul came to see a wider perspective from above. I saw the universal symbolism in the classic Femme Fatale, Venus in Furs, Dream Girl ensemble. I saw a heart, brain, and private bits as power.
The Animal, the "Fur Mental" aspects of us. Fermental. The feminine which ferments all. I am fascinated by the root of the word "ferment." The root is "to cause to rise,"agitate" and "excite." How can all of us, women and men, use our fire, our passion and our anger to excite and conjure magic, the best in life?
This one is for the gurls in your life. Because this was my brain at age 14.
You will never see a dame the same way again ever. And you will thank me for it!