For weeks I had been desiring to see a guy who would knock me out with his style.
Living in NYC, I see tons of well-dressed guys ( and tons more, not so )...but it's a rare bird of a man that will really STOP TIME.
While waiting at a crosswalk peering at my phone, I saw the cigarette held between thumb and forefinger first, followed it to right to the trim Hawaiian print...and T H E N...every delicious detail dude was mastering! He took the geek chic of Mr. Rogers ( the high-waisted, 'such basic blue,' belted slacks, plus the Keds sneakers ) and mixed it with a James Dean, slick, black, pompadour'ed Jack Lord cool.
The Stance!
Turquoise socks and some kind of eco-geeky, hemp hipster briefcase made it un-posy, un-studied, and just 'real life.'
High-five-Oh! to this complete "something new, something borrowed, something blue."